"Foreign Aid and Corruption: Unveiling the Obstacles to Effective Development". Southern Economic Journal  (2024), forthcoming.

"Public Sector and Human Capital: on the Mechanics of Economic Development " . Journal of Economics, (2024).

"The Role of Institutions in Shaping the Growth-Aid Relationship". Journal of Macroeconomics (2024), volume 80.

"The Fight against Malaria: A New Index for Quantifying and Assessing Policy Implementation Actions to Reduce Malaria Burden in Sub-Saharan Africa".  Journal of Development Studies (2023), volumen 59.  

"The economics of crime and socialization: The role of the family". Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2022), volume 197. 

"Crime and Social Expenditure: A Political Economic Approach". European Journal of Political Economy (2022), volume 75.

"On the relationship between sectorial and institutional structural changes". Metroeconomica (2020), volume 71 (No. 3).  

"Social norms and economic growth in a model with labor and capital income tax evasion". Economic Modelling (2020), volume 86. 

"The Living Arrangements of Elderly Widows, their Children and their Children's Spouses". Journal of Demographic Economics (2019), volume 85 (No. 2). 

"Like father, like son: Inheriting and bequeathing". German Economic Review (2019), volume 20 (No. 2). 

"Tax evasion, social norms and economic growth". (Joint with Lars Kunze). Journal of Public Economic Theory. (2019), volume 21 (No. 2). 

"The Effect of Public Pensions on Women's Labor Market Participation over a Full Life-Cycle".(Joint with Virginia Sánchez-Marcos).Quantitative Economics (2018), volume 9 (No.2).

"Temptation and the efficient taxation of education and labor". (Joint with Lars Kunze). Metroeconomica (2017), volume 68 (No. 4). 

"Asymmetric unemployment-output tradeoff in the Eurozone". (Joint with Bo Tang). Journal of Policy Modeling (2016), volume 39 (No. 3).

"The Political Economics of Redistribution, Inequality and Tax Avoidance". (Joint with Lars Kunze). Public Choice (2015), volume 163 (No. 3). 

"Declining Predation during Development: a Feedback Process". (Joint with Fernando Perera-Tallo). Economica (April 2015), volume 82 (No. 326).

"Suicide Rates and Economic Crisis in Spain". (Joint with M. Morera-Fernandez, A. Morera-Fumero, E. Diaz-Mesa, S. Yelmo-Cruz and N. Suarez-Benitez). European Psychiatry (2014), volume 29 (S. 1).

"The Living Arrangements of Elderly Widows". (Joint with J.V. Ríos-Rull). International Economic Review (August 2009), volume 50 (No. 3), pp. 773-801.

"Political Complements in the Welfare State: Health Care and Social Security". (Joint with V. Galasso). Journal of Public Economics (April 2008), volume 92 (Nos. 3-4), pp. 609-632.

Carlos Bethencourt
Todos los derechos reservados 2023
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